The Erstwhile Education program, also known as the Nav Bharat Saksharta Karyakramme (NBSK) was launched by the Government of India as part of the state’s commemoration of the literacy week celebrations in September 2023. As part of the initiative, the School Education Department (SED) identified 6 lakh individuals, aged 15 and above for the program. They are to be taught basic education, financial and digital literacy skills and life skills. These individuals have been registered on the Understanding Lifelong Learning for All (ULLAS) portal run by the Government of India. They were identified by Chief Education Officers (CEOs) through several surveys and the ones conducted by deputy commissioners were re-authenticated by their respective CEO offices. Around 6,07,621 people have been identified and registered so far, although the expected number of non literates is assumed to be much higher. While the lower age limit of beneficiaries is 15 years, there is no upper limit in place. Financial aid to the scheme is being provided in the ratio of 90:10 by the central and state governments respectively. The financial outlay of the scheme is of 1037.9 crore. The scheme will run through workshops, training and orientation of volunteers and all material will be easily available in digital mode through the websites and free apps. Click on the following link for more information –
The Navbharat Saksharta Abhiyaan: Fostering Skill Development