The Maharashtra Right to public service act is a revolutionary step by the Maharashtra government to guarantee access to public services in a timely, efficient and transparent manner. This has been done by setting up the Maharashtra State Commission for Right to Services. On 1st March, 2017 former Chief Secretary of Maharashtra State, Shri Swadheen Kshatriya was appointed as the First State Chief Commissioner for Right to Services. They also have a portal wherein a plethora of services such as issuing new ration card, issuing and renewing manufacturers licence, issuing certificates such as income, age nationality domicile and senior citizen certificate can be availed. Birth and Death certificates can also be issued online. Factory registration and renewal, resolution of complains regarding water charges, availing compensation for disability or death caused by wildlife, free legal assistance and several other services are also available. Click below to understand how you can avail these services.
Maharashtra Right To Public Service Act: Implementing Promises