The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forests Rights) Act of 2006 is the fruit of a relentless struggle by the nation’s tribal and other communities, who traditionally took to forestlands as their home. The Forest Rights Act (FRA) is crucial for marginalised tribal communities as it guarantees restitution to deprived dwellers, including individual rights to cultivated land and community rights to common property resources. It was first implemented on January 1, 2008. FRA has strengthened the community forest rights as it paves the way to secure their livelihood as well as strengthen their hold over natural resources, through self-governance. Community Forest Rights and Advocacy is a nationwide attempt at information sharing, learning, and evidence-based advocacy on forest rights. The project includes regional, local, national, and international stakeholders to understand and facilitate community forest rights.
Forest Rights Act – Returning Ownership to Native Forest Dwellers