The practice of child marriage in India is deeply rooted into the perils of poverty along with other socio-ecological factors prevalent in some parts of the nation. A child bride loses out on several opportunities in life as she is isolated from family and friends, is barred from pursuing an education and is soon burdened with the responsibilities of motherhood. The most common method of measuring child marriage amongst women is the ‘percentage of women in the age bracket of 20-24 years, married before the age of 18’. The age of marriage in India has increased over time, amongst women 20-49 years of age. From being 17.2 years in 2005-06 to 19.2 years in 2019-21. For men in the ages of 25-29 years, it has increased from 22.6 years to 24.9 years. Child marriage reduced from 47% in 2005-06 to 26.8% in 2015-2016, registering a 21% in the decade. In the last five years, it declined by 3.5% each to reach 23.3%. 43% women aged 20-24 years are married by the age of 20 and 61% are married by age 21. While child marriage for women, aged 18-19 years showed a decline from 37.7% in 2005-06 to 16.3% in 2019-21. This indicates a growing decline in the child marriage trend in the coming years. Read comprehensive report below:
Child Marriage In India Indicate a 16.3% marriage rate for women in the Age of 18 to 19 Years in 2019-21