Sandeep Kumar: From cancer survivor to healthcare Champion 

Sandeep Kumar was diagnosed Ewing Sarcoma which is a form of bone cancer, at the tender age of 12. A resident of Kathaicha, a small village in Sant Kabir Nagar District, in Uttar Pradesh, he had experienced difficulties in accessing specialised healthcare in his village. Residents in the village had to often travel an average

Sandeep Kumar: From cancer survivor to healthcare Champion  Read More »

9.98 crore Women households mobilised for SHGs since 2011

The Ministry of Rural Development is implementing the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM) and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) in which Self Help Groups (SHGs) are involved. DAY NRLM has been implemented since 2011 to bring at least one woman from a rural poor household, as per the Socio-Economic

9.98 crore Women households mobilised for SHGs since 2011 Read More »