The Navbharat Saksharta Abhiyaan: Fostering Skill Development

The Nav Bharat Saksharta Karyakramme aims to impart basic education, financial and digital literacy skills along with basic life skills to those who could never go to school. The scheme was launched in Jammu and kashmir in September 2023, coinciding with the celebrations of the literacy week in Kashmir.

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Photo by Michael Förtsch on Unsplash

Decentralized Renewable Energy: The New way of Consumption

Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE) essentially refers to energy drawn using renewable resources that is used and distributed in a decentralized fashion. These technologies aim to provide clean energy solutions to rural areas. DRE has the potential to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, mitigate the climate crisis and improve access to energy. They can be used

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The Impact of vaccinations such as Diphtheria and Pertussis

There are different types of vaccines, used for different purposes such as Live Attenueted vaccines, Inactivated or dead vaccines, Accellular or subunit vaccines and DNA/RNA vaccines. There is much to learn and understand about the need and purpose for each one of them.

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Pedakodapalli: The Backyard Poultry Farming

Backyard poultry farming, using native breeds is an easy, less risky and viable way of increasing income while alleviating poverty and addressing malnutrition. With the initiation of small time poultry farming enterprises, citizens of Andhra Pradesh have shown that poultry farming can be extremely beneficial. In 2016, the department of Animal Husbandry and The Tribal

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The Right To Abortion In India: What Needs to be Changed?

The Right to Abortion was, not too long ago upheld by the Supreme Court of India, wherein a ruling that stated that all women had the right to terminate a pregnancy up to 24 weeks, irrespective of marital status. However, the law is yet to include many other groups of people, who can experience pregnancy and thus should have equitable access to these rights.

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