The New Education Policy is a pivotal step towards creating a holistically educated, digitally literate, and skilled India. It aims to universalise education from preschool to secondary school and to achieve a 100% Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER), in school education. The primary objective of the policy is to elevate the education system to the point where India can call itself a global leader when it comes to knowledge-based industries. NEP is driven through focusing on individualised potential and strengthening foundational literacy and numeracy. Enhancement of the quality of public education is also a core principle of NEP. Investing in research and the use of technology in imparting education is also highly focused upon. Developing students’ critical thinking is also given a lot of importance. Fostering cultural integration and respect for linguistic diversity is at the heart of the policy. NEP aims to foster transparency in educational policies and processes so as to ensure that its objectives are being met. Read more by clicking on the source link below:
New National Education Policy 2024: What You Need To Know?