2023-24 Data by Unified District Information System for Education Plus

district children learning through digital technology, an AROEHAN NGO initiaitve

Following the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, necessary reforms to the data collection system were required. Unified District Information System for Education Plus (UDISE+) 2023-24 aligns with the recommendations of NEP 2020 by moving the focus from school-wise consolidated data until 2021-22 to individual student focus for the first time at the national level. As a result, data from UDISE+ 2022-24 is not strictly comparable with the previous reports on various educational indicators, such as Gross Enrolment Ratio, Net Enrolment Ratio, dropout rate, etc. Similar to this, population predictions used to create other educational indicators have been adjusted in light of the most recent birth rate trends as reported by the SRS system, UIDAI saturation reports based on Aadhaar enrolment, and, in the case of smaller States and UTs, the trends of the neighboring States. Look at the complete data by UDISE+ by MINISTRY OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY, 23-24.

Click on the link for PDF file: UDISE+ 2023-24